Thursday, April 27, 2023

I like Thursdays: April 26, 2023


Happy Thursday friends!

It's time for a weekly round of "I like Thursdays" hosted by LeeAnna.  You can find more happy posts at her website, Not Afraid of Color!

This week's prompt is about language.  Have we learned/speak another language?  What was it like to learn and are there any words that make us happy?  

I took 2 years of Spanish in high school.  I was sure I had forgotten most of it.  But then in college, I studied Russian.  It was difficult but when we got to the part where our teacher would verbally communicate with us and expect a response...the teacher would hesitate for a moment and then tell me, "You're speaking Spanish."  I can still read some Russian but it's been so many years since I used it, I've lost most of it.

I love language and there are lots of words I love but today I'm just thinking about words that are rarely used anymore...simple words like "scram."   Then there are those Pennsylvania Dutch words...

The old man that used to live behind me said to me one day, he would do such and such but he "dersent".  Meaning he dare not.  That's a childhood phrase to me.  I live in Pennsylvania Dutch country and we grew up using a lot of phrases and words from that language.

Other things I like:

I've been doing most of my work outdoors in the garden.  My husband and I were amused by this little fellow who had come to visit and watch us work.  We let him be and he seemed to enjoy himself in the garden...

In the wintertime, the kids look forward to snow days.  This spring, I look forward to rain days.  I haven't sewn in a few weeks and we are expecting a rainy weekend, just perfect for sewing!

My husband and I are enjoying our Phillies and they seem to be getting their groove back as the season progresses!  Go Phils!

Whatever you are doing this weekend, have a safe and happy time!


LA Paylor said...

oooo loved and laughed at the funny turn of phrases
Russian, so hard!
Love, LeeAnna

grammajudyb said...

Thanks for sharing the fun Dutch phrases! Put a smile on my face, for sure! Enjoyed your bunny photo! I just finished reading/listening to Watership Down! Made ne think of Hazel and Fiver!

PaintedThread said...

LOL - I love that you responded to Russian in Spanish.

Bun! He's cute!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Haha! When I was trying to learn Spanish, I often ended up answering in French! The Pennsylvania Dutch phrases are fun, too. Love the bunny in your garden - we've been seeing several in our yard every day lately!

Babajeza said...

Good morning Mickie

I was directed to you by LeeAnna due to the fact that I plan on studying Russian when I retire. I've learnt a few words and read the kyrillic alphabet like a first grader. Which is very educating. :-) I nope it will be an advantiage studying Russian because I learnt Latin as my first foreign language and are familiar with Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ and Ablativ.

I was much please when I read your family name Mc Laughlin, because my homestay mom in Halifax goes by this name. :-)

I've been in Maryland once when I did assistant teachership in Herndon, Virginia. We went to Maryland to visit friends of the family and watch a football game. The house was very nice, quite old and the backyard was a forest.

I also sew and garden,

All the best from Switzerland

Regula (I'm named after a local saint, it's a Latin name)

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Russian must be so hard to learn. Love the bunny! I usually don't see bunnies in my yard but I saw one last week. First one ever!!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I love language too. Being from Newfoundland, I have many words and phrases that we inherited from our Irish and English background and being an island, they just got handed down. I loved that poster and that is a very cute bunny photo. Ned and I often glimpse a bunny on our early morning walk. Have a great weekend!

Helen said...

I love "dersent"!! I can almost hear my grandmother using that one. Also there was "twernt" that was a favorite. (Twernt but about 50 degrees outside.)

Linda said...

Those Dutch phrases are funny! I think Russian would be very difficult - I'm impressed you studied it. What I can see of your yard looks beautiful.