Thursday, June 9, 2022

I Like Thursdays: June 9, 2022

 Happy Thursday everyone!  It's time for our weekly "I like" posts and fill the internet with happy energy.  For more positive posts, visit Lee Anna at Not Afraid of Color!

It's been a weird week.  Scout and I have been recuperating together.  Scout had to be taken to the vet on Monday morning she has a UTI and an infection in one of her anal glands.  Then I pulled my upper back and that left me incapacitated.  The pain went radiated up into my neck and was really painful (fortunately it was muscular and not a structural problem).  If you are going to be unable to do much, it's always helpful that your dog is under the weather as well. For the most part, both of us spent the week sleeping.

But there is good news to focus on.  The ducklings have hatched at the park!

The ducklings are so tiny and there are two different broods at the lake.  They are fun to watch!

The goslings are getting to be quite lanky although they still have their baby fuzz.  The are less inclined to listen to Mama and are constantly feeding, feeding, feeding.  Mama goose often has to flap her wings to get them out of the way of the approaching dog.
They are acting like teenagers.  😀

That's all I have for this week. 
Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


PaintedThread said...

Well, that's a bad spot to get an infection. And the back pain! No fun. But yay for company, and ducklings.

Feel better soon! Both of you!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sorry to hear that both you and Scout have been under the weather. Hope each day finds you feeling better! Love the baby ducks and geese! It's so fun to watch them grow up.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Michele, sorry to hear you are both under the weather as it were. I still feel the odd twinge in my chest where I fell. I must have bruised a rib. Ducklings are just the cutest, aren't they. Heal fast, the two of you! said...

Poor Scout. That is how we discovered that Bobbin had the bladder stone the size of a ping pong ball from a UTI. Hope you both feel better soon. The ducklings, and goslings are so cute when they are fuzzy.