Tuesday, October 13, 2020

To-Do-Tuesday: October 13, 2020


Good Morning!  It's To-Do-Tuesday!  Hosted by Roseanne and Sue at Home Sewn By Us, we list our goals for the week and check to see how we did the following week.  I have to admit, this type of accountability has really helped me get more accomplished! Thanks Roseanne and Sue!

As stated before, our life is a bit upside down now that my husband has been diagnosed with a herniated disk.  Next step for him is epidural injections for him.  He needs to have this treatment before he sees the surgeon.  I feel like trying to get relief for him is kind of like a monopoly board game.  Each week we find a different hurdle and meanwhile he is dependent on pain medication to even get sleep (he can't function even with the meds).

Anyway...last week's goal was to continue my fall cleaning and attach bindings to quilts.  So far so good.  It's my goal for this week too.  I can often only retire to the sewing room for about 20 minutes at a time before hubby or the dog need me.  I'm happy I attached binding to 3 quilts!

I have 4 more pieces that need binding attached.  So that's my goal for the week.  I'm awaiting the delivery of an ott lightbulb so that I can sew in our living room as I sit with him at night and actually begin handsewing the binding.

Meanwhile, I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Stay safe!

1 comment:

Elvira said...

Espero que mejore tu marido con el tratamiento y no necesite cirugía
Me ha encantado pasear por tus entradas, me parecen de lo más relajante y tierno
Besos y seguiré paseando por tu blog