Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Baby it's cold outside...

21 degrees outside and still snowing.  First day of winter hasn't arrived and yet this autumn we've had over a third of what we normally get in snowfall.  Snow this early usually means a tough winter for all of us.  I'm going to stock up on thread the next time I'm at the store and make sure I have all the sewing supplies I need!
Stay warm and safe!


GardenOfDaisies said...

Your snow is beautiful!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Good plan, me too. It is snowing right now!

Sandra :) said...

We've been shivering our babushkas off for the last few days too - it has been NASTY! Today was the first day in almost a week that I got out for a walk with my neighbour - it was -21C with the windchill in the morning, but by the afternoon the sun was shining, there was no wind and it was a warm and balmy -10C, LOL. It actually felt WARM, compared to the cold we'd been experiencing - we had a lovely walk with Xena the dobie, happy it was so warm (14F),LOL!