Sunday, November 24, 2013

quiet days

The golden days of autumn are officially over.   Here are some of the views in our neighborhood before the cold and wind entered out world:

 Teddy wants to smell every leaf...
My husband is home for the rest of the year and even on vacation.  Since we don't often live together (because of his job), it's a bit of adjustment for both of us to be around each other so much.  One of the things we are working on is a rickety doll house:
It isn't worth much and is our second dollhouse of the season, another one we got from a friend before she moved but that one was adopted by a family member with a young granddaughter.  This one is just a prototype for us to see what we can do.  It's just a hobby and if it doesn't work, no big deal.  

Our own granddaughter already has a variety of doll houses but at nearly 10 years old, is quickly outgrowing this stage.  Each time I see her I can't believe how grown-up she has become.  

We are thinking a lot of our blessings these days.  My friend's one year old grandson, Michael, is going on the list at Children's Hospital for a heart transplant.  It's been a sobering few weeks for the "quilting aunties"  (our mini quilt group) as we watch helplessly as our friend and her family confront this enormous challenge.  If this isn't enough, Michael's Mom is also pregnant and going to be induced on Tuesday.  The new baby's heart will have to be checked as well.  If you can, please keep Michael and his family in your prayers.

Peace and hugs, Mickie


Sandra :) said...

Oh my gosh, poor Michael and his family - I hope everything goes well with his surgery, and that the new baby is PERFECT. I don't think anything could be more stressful for poor mom and dad!

Allie said...

Praying for your friend's family!!!