My beloved grandmother, Nana Betty, passed away on July 16. We had always been close and through the last years of her life, we were even closer. It was a privlege to care for her and recipricate all the comfort and love she had given throughout her life. She would have been 90 on August 9; I thought I would have a little more time with her and still can't believe she is gone. The blessing in all this is that she did not suffer, was never in pain, and wasn't even on any medication. She just went to sleep and passed on and for this, I am grateful to God.
My oldest dog Paddie is now sick. Something is attacking her immune system, her red blood count is low, she is uanble to eat much and is very weak. The vet is hoping it is a tick borne problem and we are waiting for more test results. She is almost 13 years old and I am hoping that I can have her just a little longer. Ultimately, her comfort is the most important thing.
Please know that is why I am quiet right now. It is just my time to keep silence.