Thursday, December 22, 2022

I like Thursdays: December 22, 2022


Happy Thursday!
It's "I like Thursdays" and time to celebrate the good in life by posting what we like!  You can visit LeeAnna's website and see all the bloggers participating.  It's a good pick-me-up this week!

I like good books.  This past week, I finished Jennifer Ryan's The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle and Jojo Moyes, The Giver of Stars.  Both were interesting and satisfying books to read.

It's the time of year when hearty food is welcome and I enjoyed making Lasagna with Barilla's No Boil Lasagna noodles.  I'll never go back to using the boiled noodles again.  The recipe we used is here in case you want to try it!

Last week, my hubby and I went to visit my aunt and uncle.  My uncle is just a few years older than me and was more of a big brother throughout my life.  I gave them Brett's cat quilt I had made for him (they are his grandparents).  They will see him over the holidays and make sure it gets delivered.  I might have mentioned Brett's quilt before.  He's 10 and loves cats, stating that he'll not marry but buy a house and fill it with cats!😂😂😂  
I don't have a good photo of the quilt because it's so dark these days but here's what I could photograph:

Today's prompt is about holiday traditions.  I had already written a piece for today about this on my Pennsylvania Piecemaker blog.  You can read it here.

I am so blessed to be a part of the blogging community and am so grateful for that today as well.  I love reading friends' blogs and getting to know the reader of my blogs.

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday!
Merry Christmas!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Christmas traditions post on the other blog is delightful, Michele! I enjoyed those two books you mentioned here, too. Glad you were able to visit your uncle, and deliver that quilt. It sounds perfect for Brett! Merry Christmas!

LA Paylor said...

I'm headed out to read your traditions post... and I read both those books, love the sewing circle!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Michele! Thanks for the book recommendations - I'm going to look for them both. Yum to making lasagna! I haven't made or had that for a few years. It's time! How cute about Brett and the cat quilt. LOVE that. You'll have to keep us updated on his future home and how many cats he actually owns. HAHA! I remember my dad told me I could have as many dogs as I wanted when I had my own house. Hmph. I have none since I'm allergic to them. Darn it! Merry merry Christmas, my friend. Stay warm and safe!! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

PaintedThread said...

That's a great quilt! I'm sure he'll love it. Enjoy the lasagna. :-)

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I've read both of those books and really enjoyed them too. Love the cat quilt! I'm sure Brett will love it. Have a wonderful holiday!

Angie said...

Michele - I linked to I Like Thursday this week, but I forgot to tell LeeAnna; do come visit if you have time. I read your piece on your other blog, and it really touched me. Anytime I feel the divisions in our country rearing their ugly heads and my own frustration rising, I will remember your post and try to be welcoming even when I don't feel like it! (We also do Christmas crackers - love the tradition!) Happy New Year!