Thursday, December 15, 2022

I Like Thursdays: December 15, 2022


It's "I like Thursday" and time to share some positive thoughts!

This week our prompt is to share favorite holiday music.  My favorite song this time of year is "Silent Night" and I love the way the Manhattan Transfer do this song because there are children singing with them.  You can hear it here.  Hearing children this time of year really just makes my heart sing.   I love all different kinds of holiday music but this old standard still means the most to me.

What is good and happy this week?  Well today we are getting some snow but are not expecting a lot of accumulation (supposed to change to rain by later today).

I like pierogies!

Last week, Brad and I found sauerkraut pierogies at our Farmers Market.  My first MIL used to make pierogies at home and also for the Ukrainian church (the church sold them).  The ones we bought were superb and Brad and I are going to stock up on them.  Most people are used to the potato/cheese version of these but believe me, the sauerkraut ones are fantastic!

Speaking of food, last week I mentioned that I love gingerbread cookies.  I can't do cut-out cookies with my hand yet but I have found Archway's gingerbread cookies and they are wonderful!

For the hubby, I made chocolate chip cookies on Wednesday.  He cracks me up.  On Tuesday I set butter on the counter to soften.  He asked me what they were for and I told him Toll House cookies.  When we went to the store, he declined to get any sweets, "I'm getting cookies."  Later on Tuesday, he asked me quizzically when I would start the baking.  He tried to play it cool but was clearly disappointed when I said the dough wouldn't be ready until the following day.  

On Wednesday, his patience seemed thin.  "What are you doing?" he asked as I sewed in the attic.  "I'm sewing."  "Oh I was just wondering," he said nonchalantly (oh yeh right).  I figured I best start the cookies and took a sewing break.  Even as the oven was pre-heating, he came into the kitchen.  "Where are the cookies?"  I guess I could have been annoyed by all this but I just found it amusing as all heck.  At least he loves my baking!

On the sewing front, I'm still whittling down scraps.  I'm finding this very satisfying.  I finished all my square in a square blocks for kids' quilts--264 blocks which will make 8 or 9 kids' quilts (and a good thing to judging by the number of kids I'm sewing for!). 

Now I'm working on Christmas scraps--2.5 inch squares from Christmas quilts of long ago.  I thought it was mostly scraps from 2 holiday quilts I made recently but I'm finding I have scraps that go back to the 1980s!  I want to make 16 patches with them eventually. 

The scrap table that I set up before surgery is getting clearer.  Last week I showed you this photo.  Now some of those containers are completely empty!  Whoo-hoo!  Good thing too because I need the space for the holiday scraps!

Scout is really funny these days and I wrote about her antics on my other blog last Friday.  You can read it here.

So that is our quiet life.  Wishing you a safe and peaceful weekend!


grammajudyb said...

Your post made me giggle! Clearly your DH loves your toll house cookies. I have cookies to bake today too. I baked a batch of our family favorite, boiled raisin cookies, they are gone. DS’s new neighbor made a cookie delivered of oatmeal butterscotch . They too are gone. So today, chocolate chip are on the agenda!
Looks like you are having great success with your scraps too! Have a good week!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've been craving some little gingerbread men cookies - I 'll look for Archway! Your Christmas 4 patches are delightful. They'll make a fun quilt! I loved your story of Scout at the groomer, too. She figured out how to get comfortable!

PaintedThread said...

Cookies - LOL. Are we there yet?!?! That's a lot of Christmas scraps! Scout is a cutie!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Michele! I guess we'll just have to refer to your other half as DH Cookie! Great job on your scraps! You are very inspiring. {{Hugs}} a bunch. Take care! ~smile~ Roseanne

Angie said...

Michele - it has been a while since I visited. Joining in I Like Thursday this week - so nice to catch up with some "old" blogging buddies! What a funny story about the cookies .... adorable when our hubbies ask a vague question and think we don't know what it means! Merry Christmas to you!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I like gingerbread cookies too and Tony is fond of Chocolate chip in any form. He would have been a happy man too. I also love perogies. I keep one of those bags of the frozen ones on hand all the time. You are doing great sewing up your scraps. Lucky recipients of your goodwill!

LA Paylor said...

still laughing at the Brad story.... sweet tooth like ours. We have been making and freezing half, cookies at least two times a week for a while now, so we'll have a platter's worth for the week between Christmas and NY
love to scout, you good girl