Thursday, June 20, 2024

I Like Thursday: June 20, 2024


Happy Thursday!

Well, it's "I like Thursday" again and time to express all that is right in our world.  For more posts, visit Lana at  Not Afraid of Color and check out all the participants.

This week we have a heat wave.  But fortunately, the mornings are tolerable in the shade and Lucky is enjoying his sprinkler pool most mornings.  He wasn't sure of it at first but now he loves the pool.  All our activities begin at daybreak (long walk) and then breakfast, visiting mom (we put the pool at her house) and she sits outside in the shade laughing at the dog.  Home before noon and time to hibernate.

I like that our Phillies are winning again!

This week's prompt from Lana is about camping.  Well I did plenty of camping growing up.  So did my husband.  That's why we prefer hotel accommodations! 

We were both members of the scouts.  I attended G.S. camp every summer, sometimes the overnight variety (2 weeks away from home).  Mostly I attended day camp (Monday through Thursday).  When I was a teenager, I worked at camp as young teenager.  My pay was $1/day.

On the weekends or when camp was over, my brother and I spent most of our time at our grandparents.

Anyway, it was fun but I don't miss it now.  I'd rather be comfortable 

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

I like Thursday: June 13, 2024


Good morning and welcome to this week's version of "I like Thursdays" hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!

What are you grateful for this week?

I'm happy that Lucky is well on the road to recovery and even likes his prescription dog food.  It seems to be helping him.  He's even taking time to smell the flowers!

I like that the weather has been cool.  We haven't need to put on the a/c and I've gotten a lot of things done in the garden!  In the backyard, my trusty partner keeps the chipmunks and squirrels at bay.

I also finished reading this book:

I enjoyed parts of this book and other parts were just too detailed.  Anyway, I'm glad I finished it.

I haven't done much sewing this spring but I did work out the layout of the quilt I'm making for my neighbor!  It's a relief to know the set up of the quilt so I can finish the top (more on that later).

Lana's prompt for this week was do remember the beginning of the summer?  The best of the summer for my brother and I was being sent to my grandmother's for longer than a weekend.  Nana and Pop had 3 kids our age and lived in a nice neighborhood in a small nearby city.  Lots of kids, lots of games, and my sister-aunt was my best friend growing up.  We had carefree times there like kids should!

There was no structure to our days there.  No one had air conditioning and we could stay up as late as we wanted on the front porch.  One of my favorite things was swaying on the glider with my Nana.  Neighbors visited the front porch in the cool of the evenings and occasionally in the late hours, something exciting would happen.  Occasionally we would hear an accident on the main boulevard and once someone even drove into the drugstore around the corner (the driver was fine and I think he was drunk).

We didn't need much to make us happy back then.  They were great times!

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hello Again


Happy "I like Thursdays" to you!

It's been a long blog break due to family deaths, illness and other things that needed to be addressed.  I'm back and hope to visit all my favorite blogs now that things are slowing down.

I like Lucky.  We adopted a puppy from the local shelter.  He's a miniature poodle.  My husband named him "Lucky" because no one can believe he survived in our city without being hit by a car or attacked by another dog.  He's a handful and a little wild but during the last nine months, he's been a real comfort to the family.  I adore him and love being able to pick him up and pet him on my lap.  My mother and brother also love him and are always asking to babysit him.

Lucky at the pound, matted and underweight.

Lucky, master of the garden and anything else he wants.

Lucky's favorite person is my brother Jim who taught him how to play with toys.  Once Jim is around, Lucky ignores everyone and follows Jim everywhere--always prancing as he walks with a big smile on his face.

It's funny how such a little puppy can bring so much joy to an entire family.

Now for other things...

LeeAnna's prompt this week is do I feel as if I have to do anything all the time.  Do I have a problem relaxing?  

Well I'm older now.  The energy isn't what it once was and I've learned to let some of my standards slide as I get older.  The house is still acceptably clean and the garden chores are getting done.  But I'm taking things slower these days and giving myself more leeway.  

I like naps and Lucky tend to take one each day around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.  All I need is 30 minutes of a nap and I'm ready to go again.

Here is a saying I like very much these days:

Have a safe and restful weekend!