Friday, January 23, 2009

Here is home....

I've been working on two projects this week. One is the cupcake ensemble for Helena: today I finished embellishing the quilt top wall hanging, pillows, and placemat, tomorrow I hope to do the quilting. Her birthday is on the 9th and I
would like to give her this beforehand so her cupcakes can be in her room for her birthday.
The second project has been to begin to review the mountain of information, photos, patterns, quilt blocks, etc. I 've collected about Sunbonnet Sue quilt patterns. This is a huge project and it has been a little daunting to even assemble the information in some kind of order. It is far from finished and part of the reason is because I just don't know where in the house to set up shop.
The house is a mess. The dogs and their people (us) keep tracking in mud and salt. I haven't cleaned up the salt because it gets so cold at night and freezes the slate path up to our house. I was coping when the days were grey and dreary but today we had full sunshine and the light just vibrated the dullness and dustiness throughout the house. We are only nearing the end of January and I am beginning to wonder if anything will be left in the garden after the dogs are done ripping through the gardens.
I guess I could lament about this, or I could stop my other work and clean for a few weeks but instead, I am thinking of some things I have been reading in magazines lately. One woman said when interviewed about her house said she didn't want it perfect, she just wanted it to be comfortable. Another woman said of her cottage that when people come over, she tells them not to worry about things that get nicked because "that's the look we want." There is something to be said for just actually living in your home.
Don't get me wrong, I still want to declutter the house, but ebay sales are down, yard sales aren't a reality til the spring and it's time to study sunbonnet babies, twins, and sues. Speaking of Sues, I posted pics of one of my quilts. ;)
"Here is home. An old thread, long tangled, comes straight again..." Marjorie Keenan Rawlings

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