It was a show extravaganza at 3Ps and N today. First we made some puppets using print-outs of SBS and Sam and some nice rabbits from the Skip to My website. Then we made a puppet theater out of Pop's discarded cereal box. Let the show begin!
Interesting dialogue. Throughout the show, Rainbow (the girl) told Spike (the boy): "I'm not your girlfriend. I told you I'm not your girlfriend!"
Seamus found the whole puppet show experience fascinating to watch. He is a big fan of puppets.
This rascally rabbit didn't fit in the theater but Helena was insistent he not be trimmed to size. So he danced on the theater and sang songs to us.
Then I was visited by a singing ladybug!
But wait, there's more! After lunch we watched an Angelina Ballerina video and Helena really became inspired. I heard all about her dance classes and we had some more recitals!
There was a long discussion about using scarves while dancing so Helena just had to give me a sample......
There were some really energetic dance steps demonstrated!
A variety of dance styles.....
And then, Helena was done, escorted out of the theater by stage hand Seamus Poodle.
Maybe it was the energy, or the cape, but it kind of reminded me of a James Brown concert....
And like a James Brown concert, there were surprises.....
Ladies and Gentlemen, she's back, the queen of shows.......
All revved up by the applause of the crowd of poodles...
And we got a song about smiling at a crocodile, complete with hand gestures:
And just when you thought it was all over..........
It was time to give Pop Pop a puppet show:
That's all folks :)
I don't know who is luckier - Miss Helena for having such a fun nana ... or Nana for having such a delightful granddaughter!
Oh my fun! 'I feel gooood" (James B impersonation). I can't wait for this!
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