Thursday, May 11, 2023

I Like Thursdays: May 11, 2023


Happy Thursday!  

It's time to share what makes us happy as part of "I like Thursdays!"  LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color is our hostess with the mostess as we fill the internet with happy thoughts!  Be sure to visit her blog for more happy posts!

I like coffee!  About a week ago,  I was feeling off and even wondered if I had caught covid.  I couldn't smell the coffee brewing which is how I always start the day.  Turns out my coffee pot was dying.  The coffee that brewed was lukewarm and weak.  Not a good way to start the day at all!  My new coffee pot arrived Sunday afternoon and when I made my first pot on Monday it was delightful to smell the fragrance of coffee fill our home again!  Three cheers for coffee!

This week's prompt is on music.  What kind of music do we like to listen to, sing along to, etc.  Well I like music from the 1960s and tend to keep that radio station blaring when I drive.  I like the happy pop songs of the 60s.  When I travel with my brother we talk about things like where we heard this or that the pool, at a relatives house, etc.  These songs are the soundtrack of our youth!

I love my wonderful neighborhood full of interesting characters.  We are so lucky to have such good neighbors!  Today's feature on folks in our neighborhood is Molly and her menagerie.  She has two dogs that she walks regularly.  

Zorro and Yogi

What makes her memorable in the neighborhood is that one of her cats takes a walk when Molly is walking her dogs!  Ethel follows along and everyone in the neighborhood is amused by Ethel's determination to remain with the pack :)

One day a stray cat started hanging out at Molly's house and then that cat started following Molly, Zorro, and Yogi as well.  That annoyed Ethel but eventually the stray found her way home.

Wishing you a happy and safe day!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love the cat that takes a walk with her family! That would be fun to see. A broken coffee pot would be a huge disappointment first thing in the morning! So glad you got a new one right away. Singing along with the 60s radio station is great fun!

Angela said...

Your neighbourhood looks like fun!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Wow, a cat that takes walks with the group like that. Wonderful. I love my cup of coffee each morning too. No you really can't go long with a broken pot. I love the old music too. I guess we get to love the music of our times when young.

LA Paylor said...

me too on the 60's songs! I love the relationship you have with brother, and how you make the songs personal!!! In our Maryland 'hood, there were two dogs who regularly got out of their fence and went walkabout. Their cat always with them, like a movie! So cute! Our pot isn't old but the coffee doesn't smell like it should... we're thinking to try a different coffee, what do you like

PaintedThread said...

I agree that coffee smells wonderful! Zorro and Yogi are handsome.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I think coffee is a great scent too! Your neighborhood looks like it has the best pets! So funny that the cat wants to be part of the pack. You can never figure out cats!