Saturday, May 30, 2009
Busy as a ........
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's a rainy day!
Monday, May 25, 2009
In Honor of the Incredible Sacrifice....
During WW II, my Nana, like most women during the War, embellished her sewing with patriotic messages. This little sea dog she drew herself and we know that she embroidered all sorts of naval symbols on my mother's clothes (her only child during the War). Pop was in the Navy in the Pacific. Below is a photo of Victory dogs that embellished a pillow.
When I was a child, Memorial Day activities were created around the annual parade. I remember my father pointing out the very old veterans who had fought in the Spanish-American War. He himself remembered seeing veterans of the Civil War in the parades of his youth. Every year the parade ended at the cemetary where poems, prayers and some speeches were given to honor the incredible sacrifices people had made.
When Peter was growing up, we attended a few ceremonies on Memorial Day; the parades had long since faded and there were only a handful of atttendees at the ceremony. I'm not sure there is even any of those ceremonies left in our valley.
There is something to be said for including history in our day-to-day active life (not the passive one on television) and especially for children to be a part of that experience. For my parents' generation those sacrifices were part of their daily routine of rationing, collecting scraps for the war effort, and banners on houses with men overseas.
How different our world is today. William Harvard said that "the greatest glory of a free people is to transmit that freedom to their children." I wonder, how many 15 year old children in this country actually know what today is about? How many 25 year olds?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Grateful for Rain
Friday, May 22, 2009
Which way to Mayfair?
It appears this whole city fiasco is upsetting not only to the local residents but to the wildlife as well. Today Brad got home and came out to the backyard looking strange. "Where is Helena?" he asked. I pointed to the sand box where she and Katie were playing. "Quick! Come! Wait til you see out front!" So we snuck out to the front yard to see a much better sight. Apparently Mayfair has not only disturbed people.
Plucky little Helena piped: "Now that's something you don't see every day!"
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I Celebrate Weeding.....
Following the whole house purge thing, I am going out to weed this morning. It needs to be done before the mulching and I may want to also move some plants. This morning it is 56 degrees out and perfect weeding weather. I love weeding: it hurts the hands, knees and even the elbows but I find it all relaxing....the quiet of the garden, filing the buckets full of weeds, and the even clean look of the soil when it is all done.
Today is especially wonderful because my dentist just called and cancelled my appointment so now I have a whole day for the garden!
Have a safe and blessed day! May all your weeds be pulled easily and include the whole root of your problems!