Thursday, June 20, 2024

I Like Thursday: June 20, 2024


Happy Thursday!

Well, it's "I like Thursday" again and time to express all that is right in our world.  For more posts, visit Lana at  Not Afraid of Color and check out all the participants.

This week we have a heat wave.  But fortunately, the mornings are tolerable in the shade and Lucky is enjoying his sprinkler pool most mornings.  He wasn't sure of it at first but now he loves the pool.  All our activities begin at daybreak (long walk) and then breakfast, visiting mom (we put the pool at her house) and she sits outside in the shade laughing at the dog.  Home before noon and time to hibernate.

I like that our Phillies are winning again!

This week's prompt from Lana is about camping.  Well I did plenty of camping growing up.  So did my husband.  That's why we prefer hotel accommodations! 

We were both members of the scouts.  I attended G.S. camp every summer, sometimes the overnight variety (2 weeks away from home).  Mostly I attended day camp (Monday through Thursday).  When I was a teenager, I worked at camp as young teenager.  My pay was $1/day.

On the weekends or when camp was over, my brother and I spent most of our time at our grandparents.

Anyway, it was fun but I don't miss it now.  I'd rather be comfortable 

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Lucky's pool looks so fun for him! I don't miss camping anymore either, but it was fun as a kid. Stay cool on these hot days, Michele!

Angela said...

That pool looks great! I wonder if my pooch would like one.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love seeing Lucky enjoying the pool. I have never camped but would always prefer a hotel!! I like taking showers and sleeping in a real bed.

PaintedThread said...

What a fun looking pool! Who wouldn't like that?

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lucky's pool looks just right for a little cool down. Heat and dogs don't mix well. Ned's skin gets itchy just as this season arrives. I hear you about the camping which I've never done as an adult. Always hotels but I do think an RV might be fun.

LA Paylor said...

lucky is so cute with the pool. He's so cute anyway.
We've been in a heat dome for the last 3 years... it's miserable. Temps over 100 regularly now. When we moved here it snowed in Oct now not til after Christmas if then. Have to adjust til we can move