Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hello Again


Happy "I like Thursdays" to you!

It's been a long blog break due to family deaths, illness and other things that needed to be addressed.  I'm back and hope to visit all my favorite blogs now that things are slowing down.

I like Lucky.  We adopted a puppy from the local shelter.  He's a miniature poodle.  My husband named him "Lucky" because no one can believe he survived in our city without being hit by a car or attacked by another dog.  He's a handful and a little wild but during the last nine months, he's been a real comfort to the family.  I adore him and love being able to pick him up and pet him on my lap.  My mother and brother also love him and are always asking to babysit him.

Lucky at the pound, matted and underweight.

Lucky, master of the garden and anything else he wants.

Lucky's favorite person is my brother Jim who taught him how to play with toys.  Once Jim is around, Lucky ignores everyone and follows Jim everywhere--always prancing as he walks with a big smile on his face.

It's funny how such a little puppy can bring so much joy to an entire family.

Now for other things...

LeeAnna's prompt this week is do I feel as if I have to do anything all the time.  Do I have a problem relaxing?  

Well I'm older now.  The energy isn't what it once was and I've learned to let some of my standards slide as I get older.  The house is still acceptably clean and the garden chores are getting done.  But I'm taking things slower these days and giving myself more leeway.  

I like naps and Lucky tend to take one each day around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.  All I need is 30 minutes of a nap and I'm ready to go again.

Here is a saying I like very much these days:

Have a safe and restful weekend!


Rosemary Dickinson said...

Welcome back! So nice to see your post this morning. Lucky looks like a great dog. I'm so glad you found each other!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So glad to see you back in this space, and a fun post about Lucky! He looks like a sweetie. I love an afternoon nap, too - it's good when life allows it! Great quote at the end, too!

PaintedThread said...

It's great to see you again! Lucky is a cutie! Congrats! How lucky for all of you. :-)

LA Paylor said...

Lucky! how adorable he is! I believe he brings joy to all he contacts and wonderful that he took up with your brother. He must sense your brother needs to feel special and connected
welcome back, people have contacted me saying they're glad to see you again

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Welcome back to the Thursday group, Michele! Lucky sure is living up to his name isn't he. I'm so happy for him to have found his way to you somehow in this big world and the wonderful care he is surrounded by in your family now.