Thursday, June 13, 2024

I like Thursday: June 13, 2024


Good morning and welcome to this week's version of "I like Thursdays" hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!

What are you grateful for this week?

I'm happy that Lucky is well on the road to recovery and even likes his prescription dog food.  It seems to be helping him.  He's even taking time to smell the flowers!

I like that the weather has been cool.  We haven't need to put on the a/c and I've gotten a lot of things done in the garden!  In the backyard, my trusty partner keeps the chipmunks and squirrels at bay.

I also finished reading this book:

I enjoyed parts of this book and other parts were just too detailed.  Anyway, I'm glad I finished it.

I haven't done much sewing this spring but I did work out the layout of the quilt I'm making for my neighbor!  It's a relief to know the set up of the quilt so I can finish the top (more on that later).

Lana's prompt for this week was do remember the beginning of the summer?  The best of the summer for my brother and I was being sent to my grandmother's for longer than a weekend.  Nana and Pop had 3 kids our age and lived in a nice neighborhood in a small nearby city.  Lots of kids, lots of games, and my sister-aunt was my best friend growing up.  We had carefree times there like kids should!

There was no structure to our days there.  No one had air conditioning and we could stay up as late as we wanted on the front porch.  One of my favorite things was swaying on the glider with my Nana.  Neighbors visited the front porch in the cool of the evenings and occasionally in the late hours, something exciting would happen.  Occasionally we would hear an accident on the main boulevard and once someone even drove into the drugstore around the corner (the driver was fine and I think he was drunk).

We didn't need much to make us happy back then.  They were great times!

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


Rosemary Dickinson said...

I'm glad to hear Lucky is on the mend! It hasn't been too hot up here either which makes any chore so much easier to do. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt! Your summer memories sound so nice. Times were so much simpler then. How I wish we could go back to that!

Angela said...

Lovely simple times! Such good memories for you!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm so glad Lucky is doing well! I loved the summer days with no structure - still do as an adult. Sometimes we are just too busy!

LA Paylor said...

you painted a word picture, I felt the slow peaceful days at nana's and miss it even though I never lived it
yea for lucky