Thursday, August 3, 2023

I Like Thursdays: August 3, 2023


Good morning!  
It's "I like Thursday" and time to celebrate the good in life!  Each Thursday we try to post happy things on Thursday.  If you are in need of some positive energy, look up more of the posts by visiting LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!

Things I like this week include residents in my garden.  I have a few baby bunnies living in the front and back yard.  My backyard bunny is smaller than a softball.  

My husband and I  love watching the hummingbirds and butterflies out back these days.  

We even had a very young hummingbird (no, not a hummingbird moth--we know the difference).  Anyway, the young hummer flitted about while Brad and I enjoyed watching it.  It was about 1.5 inches tall.  It was wonderful!


I took a day off....from everything last Saturday.  I can't remember when I had a day like this.  I didn't see my mom.  I didn't walk the dog (who is back at mom's).  I didn't even worry about cooking or cleaning.  I just stayed at home and didn't rush to care for everyone as I normally do.  I stayed in my pajamas for an hour longer than normal.  I said "yes!" when my hubby asked if he could make me breakfast.  I played in the sewing room and didn't make anything important.  I just played.   And then...I got another day off unexpectedly on Wednesday when my husband attended mandatory safety training at his company.   After we gave my stepson my car, we decided to only have one car and this is a benefit.


Every year we go through a summer ritual of cleaning debris off the back patio.  At first it is needles from the Cedar tree in early summer.  When then ends, the Arborvitae starts depositing seeds everywhere.  Either time the house becomes full of garden litter that is tracked in by us and especially my mom's dog.  It takes about 25 minutes to sweep the mess off the patio and 15 minutes later it doesn't look like we did anything at all.  My brother was over one morning and said, "You need a blower for this patio."  So I bought one and this week it arrived.  It's such a wonderful tool!  The patio is cleared in 3 minutes and I don't have to vacuum a few times a day.

I LOVE IT!  We call it "little Bess" because we love it so much!


Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


Angela said...

Good for you! Time off is so important!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Lovely post and yes to having time off and time to yourself to do whatever. That hasn't happened for me in a while and I miss it. And you've reminded me that we too have a leaf blower out in the garage and could certainly use it outside the patio door.
Little bunnies are so adorable.Yes to hubby making a meal...Tony could do toast or cereal.

PaintedThread said...

Little buns! So cute! Our local hummingbirds have been very entertaining! Yay for a day off - good for you!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I think it's great to take a day off like that. I feel it makes you appreciate your busy days even more! Your bunny is adorable! I love seeing the hummingbirds when they're around. I don't see them too often however. Enjoy your weekend!!

Linda said...

I love those days off! Yes I'm retired and every day is a vacay, but still, there are responsibilities and we need a break every now and then. Love that you have baby bunnies in the yard. I was secretly very unhappy when my husband decided he wanted dogs again (after two years without one), because the bunnies no longer feel safe in our back yard. :( I'm happy for you about the blower - my husband has one I can actually operate, and I love it!