Thursday, August 8, 2024

I like Thursdays: August 8, 2024


Greetings!  It's time for "I like Thursday" again and hosted by LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.

Things I like this week:

We are finally getting rain and hopefully it will continue.  I lost many plants that literally got burnt in the heat this season.  Later this week, we are even supposed to get regular rain (versus the thunderstorms we've been getting).  I can't wait!


New fabric.  I wrote about this on my other blog but there is something wonderful about ordering some fabric to enhance your stash....or because you just like it.  😀

Lana's prompt this week is about the Olympics.  I've never been and to be honest, I haven't watched it that much this year because of caregiving.  But in light of my new fabric, I found this meme to be funny:

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

We're getting rain, too - ahhhh! It has certainly been a hot and dry summer in Colorado. I didn't comment on your other blog, but I did love your new fabric buys! It is fun to bring something new in once in awhile.

Angela said...

I did not know that about the smell of rain. So interesting.

PaintedThread said...

I can imagine the smell of rain reduces stress - I smell all the wonderful growing things. :-) Ooh - pretty new fabric. And right now my sewing room is definitely an obstacle course - Rob pauses in the doorway, unsure where to step! LOL

Rosemary Dickinson said...

We're getting some much needed rain too. I love the smell of rain but didn't know it reduces stress. I agree about the sewing room obstacle course! Sounds very familiar!!

Susie H said...

I love rain too and did not know the health benefits. Love it even more now! New fabric is always welcomed to the stash. Now you have to decide what to do with it unless it was purchased with a purpose already in mind. Have a great week!