Thursday, November 30, 2017

I Like Thursday: November 30, 2017

Good Morning!  Hope you are having a wonderful week!  Well the first like I have is the wonderful feast prepared by my son Peter and daughter-in-law Jessica!  It was a wonderful day and we can't thank them enough for the great feast!  I'm so grateful to have these two fantastic people in my life!

It's the last day of November and I am definately thinking of Christmas these days!  Have you started your preparations yet?

I like that we don't do a lot of shopping.  The grandkids will get money and some small things this year.  They can pick out their own video games and electronic doo-dads. 

I  like that my daughter-in-law buys me a star each year for our tree and this year we used them all on the tiny tree we purchased:
I'm keeping decorations minimal this year but more than we did last year.  Here is our Christmas window.  For new readers, this is a window that came from my Nana's house years ago and my brother crafted this to a free standing piece that I can decorate each season.  Here is this year's window dressing:

I like wooden shoes. 
I used to put a couple of pairs on my big Christmas tree years ago.  This year I found a new pair at a local antique show; they are button-licious!
Just perfect for Pearlies!
I love that the crafter used the buttons to make buckles:

I like little surprises.  I'm sick with a cold right now but I found some sweetness in my remedies.  Apparently some manufacturers supply positive messages in their products, check out the Halls lozengers:

I also like this new tea that my friend recommended.  It is called "Throat Coat" and it is a tea that does truly soothe one's throat.  Here too was some inspiration on the tags of the bags.  Each one a different quote:

How are you doing?  If you are interested in more positive energy, visit LeeAnna for all the participants in this day!

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am grateful for so many things not the least of which is my family and my many family of friends--including my cyber friends.

We are busy preparing for today's feast so I'll resume the "I Like" posts next week. 

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

I like Thursday: November 16, 2017

It's Thursday and time for another "I like" post!  Please visit all the participants; you can find them and our hostess with the mostess at LeeAnna's blog here.

I like doing the craft fair with Carol last Sunday.  We had a great time; it's much easier to have a table when you share it with a friend.  The turn-out wasn't that great but Carol and I both did well and more importantly, we had fun!

Here are some photos of our table:

 Carol's aprons above and some bottles she made below:

I like these signs that have been appearing in our neighborhood.  I'm not sure where they come from or how to get them.  There are a variety of them and I think they speak well of our community:

I got a new cover for our sofa and like it very much.  It needs laundering and ironing but I thought I would photograph it to see how I like it.

I like Scout!  She is totally healthy although still in heat.  The vet warned us to be on the look for male dogs because she is now in the "will mate and get pregnant" phase.  We have to be with her whenever she is out and we warned to go out before her to make sure there are no boys in our yard.

Lately, I've been enjoying watching her settle down for bed.  I've been taking photos of them for a "let sleeping dogs lie" montage:

We call this style of sleeping:  havoc:  tear apart the bed, hump it (we think because of heat), and then finally be worn out and sleeping.

"The air mattress pose":  getting a good draft under the bed.

"The snuggle" : this happens with some of her toys.  She is very fond of this dog toy:

"Sleeping smiling baby":  one of our favorite poses.  I just melt when I see her like this.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I Like Thursdays: November 9, 2017

I feel like I have a lot to be grateful for this week. 

My first thankful item concerns my friend's grandson who was recently hospitalized.  Michael had a heart transplant when he was only a year old.  He spent his fifth birthday in the hospital.  Gratefully, he is now stable and we just learned this morning that he is not rejecting his heart.  God is good!

Scout.  She continues to improve but our world is considerably smaller since she is in the new phase of heat.  She can get pregnant now so our walks are limited to small areas of our neighborhood where we know the dogs and we are constantly on the lookout for boy-dogs approaching.  Fortunately, we have Greta to play with at my Mom's.  The two dogs have been playing daily and Scout is no longer intimidated by Greta.  They are best pals!
My neighbor and sewing compadre Carol are going to have a table at a local craft sale on Sunday!

The sale is at St. Catharine's of Siena on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.   Carol will be selling her aprons (she made a ton of them one winter when she was stressed out) and I will be selling my greeting cards.  If nothing else, we should have fun!  Here's a blurry photo of one of my racks:

Carol and I have a new project for the 2018 year.  I was inspired by professional quilter and writer, Eleanor Levie.  I like Eleanor a lot and have a number of her books.  She was at our guild again this past year and I was so inspired by one of her quilts. It was a journal quilt and each week she finished a different block to reflect what was going on in her life that week.  Here is (still another) blurry photo of the quilt.

I'd like to try to try some new techniques and play with around this idea.  Carol is willing to join me.  I'm hoping it will be a lot of fun!
I finished another scrap quilt top last week.  It combined scraps from three different quilts I made for teenaged girls:

Tomorrow is going to be unseasonably cold and our annuals will finally die.  The high will only be 37 F degrees and the low in the teens.  Sounds like a day of sewing and baking to me!  Have a wonderful day!
As always, be sure to visit the other I like posts by visiting LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

I Like Thursdays: November 2, 2017

I like that Scout is doing better.  She had a reaction to the antibiotic and was a very sick little girl for a few days but she is finally doing better!  
She is back to her  wriggly self!   💖
Nicole was home!  She loved her bright quilt and we had so much fun together last week.   She is my cousin that was in Houston alone during the hurricane.  We were all so worried about her.  Yes, she is much younger than my son.  My mother was quite a bit older than her siblings and my aunt and two uncles grew up more as siblings (one of my uncles is 6 weeks younger than me).   I just wish she lived closer!

It's November 2nd and most things (including annuals) are still blooming! 

Hydrangeas in November!  The weird thing is that many our trees are still green and usually we are in full color and raking.  I'll take it, we had one cold day yesterday and I realized that I'll accept a warmer fall.

Speaking of cold, I LOVE silk long underwear!  If my legs feel cold, I feel cold.  The silks make me all warm and toasty.

I like a new addition to our "I like Thursdays": What About Rheema
This blogger lives north of me in the Poconos and I'm enjoying her blog :)

Be sure to check out all the other bloggers at LeeAnna's blog and enjoy some positive energy today!  Have a wonderful day!