We've been experiencing some seriously dry weeks here in the valley where I live and in most of Eastern PA. So to have a few days of rain occur, is truly wonderful. It might just save my garden.

My sewing machine is in the shop right now (yes I have others but I want to use my Pfaff) so I don't have much sewing to report.
My beautiful boy a few months ago.
Seamus has been a little different this week. He played Dogccer this week (the poodle version of soccer) and opened the door to the bathroom to spy on me. He hasn't done these things since May. Perhaps the prednisone is finally working? I'm afraid to hope. This week I will be attending the paper show at Allentown Agricultural Hall. It's one of my favorite things--old books and magazines and ephemera. The show will be on Saturday and Sunday if you are interested.
That's it for this week! Have a great day!!