Thursday, April 27, 2023

I like Thursdays: April 26, 2023


Happy Thursday friends!

It's time for a weekly round of "I like Thursdays" hosted by LeeAnna.  You can find more happy posts at her website, Not Afraid of Color!

This week's prompt is about language.  Have we learned/speak another language?  What was it like to learn and are there any words that make us happy?  

I took 2 years of Spanish in high school.  I was sure I had forgotten most of it.  But then in college, I studied Russian.  It was difficult but when we got to the part where our teacher would verbally communicate with us and expect a response...the teacher would hesitate for a moment and then tell me, "You're speaking Spanish."  I can still read some Russian but it's been so many years since I used it, I've lost most of it.

I love language and there are lots of words I love but today I'm just thinking about words that are rarely used anymore...simple words like "scram."   Then there are those Pennsylvania Dutch words...

The old man that used to live behind me said to me one day, he would do such and such but he "dersent".  Meaning he dare not.  That's a childhood phrase to me.  I live in Pennsylvania Dutch country and we grew up using a lot of phrases and words from that language.

Other things I like:

I've been doing most of my work outdoors in the garden.  My husband and I were amused by this little fellow who had come to visit and watch us work.  We let him be and he seemed to enjoy himself in the garden...

In the wintertime, the kids look forward to snow days.  This spring, I look forward to rain days.  I haven't sewn in a few weeks and we are expecting a rainy weekend, just perfect for sewing!

My husband and I are enjoying our Phillies and they seem to be getting their groove back as the season progresses!  Go Phils!

Whatever you are doing this weekend, have a safe and happy time!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

I Like Thursdays: April 20, 2023


Well it's "I like Thursday" and time to celebrate the good in life.  Be sure to visit other participating bloggers by visiting our hostess, LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!

This week's prompt is:  "make a list of some of your favorite smells.... scents...what do these make you think about? was there a special memory associated with one of them?"

I have always loved the scent of coffee.

The aroma reminds me of Nana Betty's home.  She always had a percolator on the stove, her preferred brewing method.  When I was very little, I would hug her and tell her that I loved her and I loved her 'coffee breath' which made her laugh.  She would make me a beverage she referred to as "coffee-tea" and I loved it.  The cup would be half full of coffee/half of milk with lots of sugar in it.  My father was pretty tolerant but drew the line at "coffee-tea".  "Children shouldn't be drinking coffee," he'd reprimand her.  Nana Betty gave me my mugs when he wasn't around or looking 😊😋

I'm allergic to perfumes and the scent of some flowers--like hyacinth and viburnum can make me ill.  My favorite natural scent is lavender. I grow lavender in my garden and harvest it into sachets each year.  I like lavender scented soaps but I have to sniff the soap before purchasing it (some have other scents mixed in and some don't smell like lavender at all).

Despite my love of lavender, I have never wanted to bake or cook with it.  I've seen that done on the British Baking Show but that's totally uninteresting to me.

Other good things going on here:  

💖A nice get together with our former neighbors.  Their dog tried to come home with me which I adored!  

💖Retiring my business as quilt lecturer.  Last program was Wednesday.  In a way it was sad.  The caregiving part of my life felt relief.

💖Only about 6 more weeks of tree pollen!  I'll be wearing a mask some days when I get back to the garden.

Wishing you a bright and fun weekend!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

I Like Thursdays: April 13, 2023


I hope all of you had a happy holiday!

Ours was rather low-key, just my mom, hubby, and I shared a meal.  It's been a rather hectic couple of weeks which will slow down after next week so we were grateful for a slower paced day.

This week I'm grateful that my mom's latest hospital visit turned out well.  Her anemia is starting to subside and now I have to take her for vitamin B shots.  Hopefully the B shots will make her more energetic.  It's been a couple of crazy weeks with just her health challenges.

Other than that, I've not got much done.  I'm hoping to get more work completed on the garden.  My neighbor, a wonderful young man named Andy, has been asking me when I want him to mulch the garden and I want to get that done soon.

The prompt this week is whether we are night or morning people.  We are morning folks, usually in bed by 9 or 10 pm and up around 5 am or 6 am.  I get most of my work done in the morning.  By 6 or 7 pm, we are spent and usually settle down to watch tv.

Wishing you a safe and happy weekend!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter!


Have a safe and happy holiday!

Thursday, April 6, 2023

I Like Thursdays: April 6, 2023


Happy Passover!
Happy Easter!
Happy Thursday!

Today is the day that we share what makes us happy as part of "I like Thursdays."  Bloggers participate and you can read more posts via our hostess LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color!

There is a cardinal that makes me laugh every single morning at daybreak.  It must have a nest down the street but as soon as a little light breaks on the horizon, this bird starts calling and she is LOUD!  The song makes me step outside my front door every morning to listen.  Perhaps because the street is so quiet, the sound travels clearly.  I asked a neighbor if the bird woke her up every morning.  Yes she said, but it beats the sounds of the crows she heard this winter.  
Our prompt this week is about Easter and Easter memories.  What I remember the most is the days leading up to the holiday.  Tomorrow is Good Friday.  As a child, I remember our grandmother hushing us because it was a solemn day and we weren't allowed to make a lot of noise.  We (the kids) were fed light meals while the adults fasted.  On Saturday we decorated eggs and eagerly awaited the arrival of the Easter Bunny and the Resurrection.  I never attended an egg hunt.  For many Christians, this is the holiest of all holidays and what I remember most is the religious aspect of the weekend.


One thing I do remember about Easter is my aunt and uncles getting chicks at Easter.  My aunt and uncles were my age and we were all fascinated by the little peeps of the chicks!  Did you ever get a chick for Easter?

However you celebrate the holiday, I wish you a weekend of peace and joy!