Friday, March 13, 2020

Grateful a day late

I missed the "I like Thursday" posts yesterday.  Too much going on here and I wasn't in the mood.  I convinced my husband not to fly home from Alabama on Wednesday.  Instead he drove home to limit his exposure to the virus.  I was so relieved when he got home safely.  One of our best friends who works for the company is now in quarantine after being exposed to a worker with it in Ohio.  I have to concentrate on good things now and keep positive energy in our lives.  Like this funny black poodle and her friend Happy:

 They both climbed the steps of our neighbors house to visit while we chatted at a reasonable distance from each other.  I'm concentrating on lots of tasks that limit social exposure like walking in the park and visiting Big Blue, our favorite heron.

 The garden needs to be cleaned out and that is also a good solo task.  I do it every fall but then it gets full of leaves from my neighbors trees.  Some of the daffodils in the neighborhood are blooming and ours are about to pop:

My sewing machine is back from it's yearly tune-up and I'll be doing a lot of sewing as well.  It is clear to me that most of my lectures for the upcoming moths will be cancelled--and should be until we can meet safely.

Somehow we all have to keep a sense of humor as much as we can.  This video of an Italian grandmother's thoughts on coronavirus made me laugh and I hope you enjoy it too!  I love Nonni!  I don't know how to post a video but here is the address:

Stay safe dear friends!


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Michele, Wonderful likes including a hubby home safe and sound, seeing garden growth.
That is SO encouraging for me as I know we will get there too. Happy puppies too. Yes to keeping your distance. Hubby and I are in the group that get hardest hit by this virus. Ontario is closing its schools till mid April trying to get ahead of the infections. Just several here so far but playing it safe.

LA Paylor said...

me too.
I will go see the video when I leave but thank you for keeping up and keeping our spirits up knowing we are in this together. My reserves are used up from constant worry for the last 2 1/2 years. At least we can walk. Yesterday on a walk a woman got too close to me, I backed up, she kept coming forward. sheesh.
The last time we shaved Milo his tummmy was going white.
someone at dh's work is taking a frivolous flight to Atlanta this weekend, and we all are so cross with him for risking each person at work for his own pleasure.
I hope all the closures will help contain this but it lives so long on surfaces.... I know you find pleasure in the garden, and you have spring weather, unlike us where it snowed again yesterday.
to embed a youtube video, there is a little icon on blogger that looks like an old film clappboard. Just have ready the youtube addy, when the box opens up, copy that in, click on it to select, then click to put it on your post.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love the pictures in your post! They're full of nature and hope! We need that right now. Working in a hospital makes me nervous. I've never felt like that before. I'm washing my hands a lot and keeping a distance from co-workers. Scary times!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Common sense, courtesy, a sense of humor, and a positive outlook will get us through this yet. And a bit of gardening, sewing, crafting, and whatever else creative. :-)