I've been using this blog for many years. It started when I babysit my granddaughter and I wanted to share photos and anecdotes about her and our life with the poodles. We had three poodles then, and Helena was not yet in school. It is shocking to me when I think about the fact that she will be 12 years old in a few months.
Life changes. I don't feel comfortable posting photos of the kids on the internet anymore and to be honest, we don't see them as often because of our schedules and theirs. My business has grown from being a lecture every few months to actually having to schedule time off in order to develop more programs and catch up on things at home.

I'll always post now and then on this blog. But I want to focus more on the work related blog. Part of the reason for the new blog is that many guilds have requested that I offer a blog for them to follow. Additionally, I need to concentrate more on my research and continue to focus on writing. The new blog will be launched December 1. I'll post a reminder of that when it is up.
Hope you are all doing well and having an easy (and warm) autumn! Hugs, Mickie